
Explanation of limited warranty

All wood slats and components (Philippine Mahogany or Ipe) are warranted for a period of 10 years against structural failure or bacterial rot. Normal weather checking, graying, fading, or wear are not preventable or justification for replacement.

All plastic slats are warranted for a period of 10 years against structural failure provided that they are not overtightened and cracked while installed. Normal loss of gloss or slight color fading cannot be covered.

All weldments, steel frames and legs, components, braces, and assemblies are warranted for a period of 10 years against structural failure. Routine maintenance, coating touch up to prevent nicks and abrasions from propagating, and proper installation are the responsibility of the purchaser and are particularly important for any claims made under this portion of the warranty.

All castings are provided in Ductile Iron and are warranted for a period of 10 years against breakage or structural failure. Again, abrasions, damage to finish, and installation errors must be corrected by the purchaser or end user for this part of the warranty to apply.

Wear items such as plastic or galvanized receptacle or planter liners, lids or leveling feet, etc. are not covered unless damage is noted upon initial delivery.

Items not covered above are subject to a one-year limited warranty.

All warranty coverage is expressed as a limited warranty and starts on the date of invoice for each shipment. Each warranty item specifically excludes coverage for vandalism, freight damage (which must be reported upon delivery), assembly other than as shown on Victor Stanley, LLC. detailed drawings, accident, neglect, misuse, improper installation, unattended routine maintenance, natural weathering of wood, improper repair or acts of God. This warranty shall be held valid only if Victor Stanley has been provided in writing with the appropriate project name and installation address of the Victor Stanley products.

Claims must be made directly to the factory and be accompanied by the appropriate invoice number or copy of invoice. Routine wood checking, fading, or similar cosmetic issues are not covered as each climate naturally exacts its own toll on the surface of materials exposed to the elements.

Repair or replacement, if warranted, will be made by the factory after inspection by authorized personnel and will not include dismantling or re-installation or any other consequential costs or damages. The factory is responsible only for repairing or replacing any defective product or part which must be reinstalled by others, according to instructions provided.


Routine maintenance by the purchaser or end user is required, including but not limited to inspection for loose fasteners, vandalism, normal wear, coating damage, and excessive weathering.

Victor Stanley products are designed and constructed for commercial applications. The components used within the product were chosen to withstand abuse and constant traffic.

To avoid any break down of the powder coating, no harsh solvents should be used on the surface of the product. The powder coating may be cleaned by power washing or hosing the unit using any mild soap.

To protect areas where the coating has been scratched or scuffed, use a piece of steel wool to prepare the surface by sanding off any debris or rust. Then apply a rust inhibiting primer (available at any hardware store) to the affected area. When the primer has dried, apply the touch-up paint to match the color of the product.

Please contact our customer service department with any questions.

Warranty + Maintenance Flyer

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