Purchasing Contracts

Victor Stanley is excited to announce our cooperative partnerships with Equalis Group and COSTARS, along with the longstanding membership with Buyboard, enabling seamless procurement of our premium site furnishings for government and public sector clients nationwide. Furthermore, many of our dedicated local representatives have successfully obtained state contracts for their respective territories, ensuring convenient access to our products at the regional level. We invite you to connect with your local representative for details and personalized assistance in enhancing your sites with Victor Stanley furnishings.

A public sector cooperative serving agencies in all 50 states. Equalis Group membership is available to federal, state, and local government agencies; public and private educational institutions, including K-12 schools, colleges, and universities; non-profit organizations; and private sector companies. Joining Equalis Group online takes less than 5 minutes. Simply visit our Join Page and follow the instructions provided.

Contract Name/# Victor Stanley / R10-1159E

A cooperative formed by governmental entities to streamline the buying process for public schools, municipalities, and other governmental entities nationwide. Developed to assist members in complying with their purchasing legal requirements, BuyBoard vendors have been awarded contracts for products and services through a competitive procurement process, thereby giving members the opportunity for bulk discounts, combined with the ease of online, web-based shopping.

Contract Name/# 679-22 – Parks and Recreation Equipment, Products, and Installation Services

COSTARS is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s cooperative purchasing program and serves as a conduit through which registered and eligible Pennsylvania local public procurement units (LPPUs) and Pennsylvania state-affiliated entities (together “Members”) are able to leverage contracts established by DGS to cost-effectively and efficiently identify suppliers with whom to do business.

Contract Name/# 521606

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